Thank you for visiting the Frontier STEM Hub's Malheur ESD Lending Library. We have a lot of great tools for teachers of Malheur County to use that will be delivered right to you. If you would like a member of the Hub to do a presentation to your class or give you a tutorial on the equipment, let us know. 


We will deliver your reservation right to your classroom.

Check in often as more is added all the time. If there is something you'd like to see that we don't have, let us know.

Reserving an Item Using myTurn

(Note: Click on the number in the corner of an inventory item to see all items of that type available for reservation. Multiple items available on most inventory. Disregard due date showing on item section and click on the number in the box.)

Visit the online catalog

Create a user account or login to an existing account. To create an account:

Click "Create Account" at the top right corner of the page

Enter your first name, last name, and school email address and create a username and password

You may receive a confirmation email

Once you have created an account, please add the following information into your account profile:

School/School District (in the Organization field)

School address

Phone number (for text reminders)

Browse the inventory by choosing "Inventory" at the upper left of the website

Choose any item to view its description or click "Reserve" to select dates for your reservation. The item will be added to your cart. Once all of your items for the designated time frame are selected, you can check-out using the cart item a the top right of the page.

Please note, reservations for separate dates should be done through separate transactions.

This completes your reservation request.

We will contact you for delivery details.